ITANOVA is a company specialized in the design and implementation of global digital learning solutions in all types of organizations: SMEs or large companies, schools, universities, training centers, training professionals, education, consulting companies. The management team draws on experience from hundreds of e-Learning projects around the world and has experts with over 20 years of experience in the field.
ITANOVA’s offer is divided into two main lines:
● EasyProf software and its family of products (training and coaching included).
● Conceptualizing and editing e-Learning solutions with EasyProf.
Our areas of intervention are multiple, we participate in a fast and efficient way in projects such as onboarding new employees, training modules on processes, products, sales, marketing, finance, managerial skills, digital, technological, linguistic. We accompany teachers in schools to help them create their own educational activities. We help coaches and experts turn their knowledge into a powerful learning tool.
The Team

Marie-Christine holds a Master in Economics from the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, a degree in Political Science from the IEP (Institut d’Etudes Politiques) in Toulouse and Paris, and an MBA from the IESE (Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa) in Barcelona.
Marie-Christine is one of the founders of ITANOVA, and is characterized by her perseverance, initiative, entrepreneurship, and contagious optimism. She is charismatic, stimulates and invigorates the teams, and loves challenges … even to the point where you sometimes have to stop her. Her passion for technology as a tool for knowledge as well as people is the irreconcilability that she has managed to reconcile: the technologists never say no, and work closely with the editors in peace and harmony! Oh, and she also has commercial skills. As someone once said, she could sell bikinis to an Eskimo, to which she replied forcefully that she can only sell what convinces her and what she is passionate about

Product Manager EasyProf
Diego holds a degree in Communication Sciences from the UAB, he graduated from the UPC in Digital Journalism and achieved a Master in Art and New Media commissioning from the University Ramon Llull, is PhD in Interactive Digital Communication at the University of Vic and he was Professor of Communication and Project Management at the University of Vic and the Escola Superior de Disseny
He is enthusiastic, hardworking, and even in his voice, a true communicator (who sings marvelously…). He is not only passionate about communication and technology but also about traveling and gastronomy. He is the key person in the development of EasyProf. His main goal is to develop EasyProf into the tool that our customers need. A communicator and tireless in his work, he approves teams with changing shapes and little hierarchical structures. His job is to build a bridge between our development team, the users of EasyProf, and the various departments of ITANOVA, and apart from all his contributions, he also envisages how EasyProf will look in the future.

Technology director
Computer analyst and computer science and technology lover, Marcos is a professional with experience in a multitude of different fields such as multimedia developments for business presentations, management and accounting application development, knowledge management systems, e-learning platforms and experimental marketing using augmented reality, among others.
Currently focused on web technologies in general and mobile apps, since 2005 he has played the role of Head of Technology implementing new functionalities and evolving EasyProf tool in close tandem with our Product Manager.
But Marcos’ plurality is not limited to the field of technology in which his knowledge and interest are enormous, but applies to the human ability to lead teams tactfully and effectively, always calming things down in stressful situations, and last but not least, maintains an excellent relationship with our clients.

Instructional design
A leading specialist in online training, Jean-Claude advises Easyprof’s product management team in the design and creation of educational activities.
Doctor of State in Educational Sciences and Information and Communication Sciences, Prof. MANDERSHEID is authorized to Supervise Research activities. He has led several major national and European projects on the pedagogical use of multimedia. In addition, he is Professor Emeritus of Universities specializing in the psychopedagogy of online training. Associate Professor of Mathematics, Doctor of Medicine and Public Health, he has taught in the Faculty of Medicine and conducted numerous clinical research in collaboration with professors of medicine from different disciplines.

Research and Development Project Manager
PhD in computer sciences, a Master of Research in machine learning, information and cognition from Paris Saclay University at Orsay, France and a computer engineering diploma in information systems from the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology in Damascus, Syria.
Worked in the academia in teaching, research, and development for many years, involved by the application of research results in eLearning domain and responsible of the on-going transformation of EasyProf into a cloud-based tool and the integration of AI technologies in it.
Captivated by software design and process automation, interested in the combination of Machine Learning capabilities with neurosciences research results in learning domain to produce tools that improve eLearning experience for course creators and learners.
Our Clients
Banking and financial services:
● BKB, Die Berner Kantonalbank AG, Switzerland
● Credit Suisse, Switzerland
● Deutsche Börse AG (Germany)
● Fredericks Michael & Co – Financial Advisor (M&A, Divestitures, etc.), USA
● GENERALI, Germany
● Hypovereinsbank, Germany
● Ibercaja, Spain
● Multicaja, Spain
● Berufsakademie Karlsruhe, Germany
● Berufsakademie Mannheim, Germany
● Berufsakademie Ravensburg, Germany
● Berufsakademie Stuttgart, Germany
● Berufsfortbildungswerk Bfw-unternehmen für Bildung, Germany
● CEINPRO, Spain
● Ceyorkshire, Spain
● CIEMAT, Ministerio de Educación, Spain
● Criteria Formación, Spain
● Edurite, India
● Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona, Spain
● Escuela de Negocio y Dirección, Spain
● Fachhochschule Darmstadt, Germany
● Fachhochschule Furtwangen (Tele-Akademie), Germany
● Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt für Wirtschaft und Technik, Austria
● Farhoschule Reutlingen, Germany
● FBD Bildungspark, Germany
● Fimtec, Spain
● FH Esslingen Hochschule für Technik, Germany
● Frauencomputerschule Zürich, Switzerland
● Freie Akademie Bonn, Germany
● Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
● GEC S.A. (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Spain
● Grupo CEAC, Spain
● Institut Català de Tecnologia, Spain
● Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, Ministry of Education, Spain
● Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
● Manipal, Sharada Public School, India
● Maria Völker KEG Spinning-Creations, Germany
● Master D, Spain
● Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Universität Mainz, Germany
● Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen , Switzerland
● Screen Hispania, Spain
● SDN AG, Obfelden, Switzerland
● Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Germany
● Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Spain
● Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico
● Universidad Contemporanea de mexico, Mexico
● Universidad La Laguna, Spain
● Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
● Universidad Tecnológica de Santa Catarina, Mexico
● Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
● Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
● Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
● Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
● Université de Nanterre Paris, France
● Université de Savoie-Mont Blanc, France
● University of Witwatersrand, Johanesbourg (South Africa)
● 4pt Ltd, England
Public sector and associations:
● AMITs, Asociación de Maestros Industriales y Técnicos Superiores, Spain
● APPA, Asociación de Productores de Energias Renovables, Spain
● Àrea de Benestar Social, Diputació de Barcelona, Spain
● Asociación Profesional Industrial de Técnicos en Electrónica (APITE), Spain
● ATAC, Associació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya, Spain
● Baden-Würtemberg, GermanyZentrum für Weiterbildung gGmbH, Germany
● CIEMAT, Centro de Investigaciones energéticas, medioambientales y Tecnológicas,
Ministery of Educatio (en español Ministerio de Educación), Spain
● Daten Zentrale Baden-Würtemberg, Germany
● Die Post, Switzerland
● Diputació de Barcelona, Spain
● Diputación de Alicante, Spain
● Dirección General de Tráfico (Ministerio de Interior), Spain
● Ejercito de Tierra, Spain
● Empresa Publica de Emergencias Sanitarias, Spain
● Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament de Treball/ Direcció General d’Emergències i
Seguretat Civil / Escola d’Administració Publica , Institut Català d’Energía), Spain
● Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany
● Gobierno de Canarias, Spain
● Gobierno de Estado de Queretaro, Mexico
● INAP, Instituto Nacional de Administraciones Públicas, Spain
● Institut Català de Qualificacions Professionals de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain
● Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina, Spain
● Ministerio de Interior – Dirección General de la Policia y de la Guardia Civil, Spain
● Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain
● Ministery of Economy and Transport of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
● Oficina de desenvolupament de recursos humans, Diputació de Barcelona, Spain
● Red.es, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Spain
● Servicio Canario de Empleo, Spain
● Stiftung Berufliche Bildung , Germany
● Swiss Army, Switzerland
● Thuis op Straat, The Netherlands
● TÜV Rheinland, Germany
● ZIB, Der Zentrale IT-Betrieb Niedersächsische Justiz, Germany
Automotive and transportation:
● Aena, Spain
● Die Post, Switzerland
● Festo AG & Co. KG, Germany
● Gebrüder Weiss, Austria
● Johnson Controls, USA
● Lufthansa Cityline GmbH, Germany
● Schindler Aufzüge, Switzerland
● TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), Spain
● ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG, Germany
● Volkswagen Coaching GmBH, Germany
● Crealogix, Switzerland
● Editorial Alcion, Spain
● Editorial CEAC, Spain
● Editorial Marcombo, Spain
● Fundación Bertelsmann, Spain
● Génie Éditeur, France
● Grupo CINESA, Spain
● Grupo Planeta de Agostini, Spai
● Malmberg, Holand
● Rudolf Haufe Verlag GmbH & Co, Germany
● Sounds in Motion, GermanY
● ThiemeMeulenhoff, Holand
● 4M Werbeagentur, Germany
Consulting and Business Services:
● Abakos, Spain
● Academy GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
● AFD, Spain
● BCN Consultores, Spain
● Branca-Grupo Creyf’s, Spain
● CallPoint, Switzerland
● CATSA (Grupo Sogecable), Spain
● Cegos Gmbh, Germany
● Centrum Consulting, Spain, Mexico
● Consulting + Qualifikation, Germany
● De Lorenzo of America, Mexico
● Duncan Technologies S.L., Spain
● eLeDia, Deutshland
● FAMA Systems S.A., Spain
● Grünenthal, Germany
● Grupo Corem, Spain
● IMCC GmbH, Germany
● Informas GmbH, Switzerland
● Interactive Training Solutions, Finland
● Kempa-Hirschmann & Hollerung GdbR, Germany
● Kommunikation und Wirtschaft GmbH, Germany
● Link Manpower, Spain
● Regio iT aachen, Germany
● Seven Minds, Colombia
● Seven Minds, Spain
● TC touristik, GmBh, Germany
● Thomas Cook, Germany
● TurnCuest Technology Service, USA
● Trapped in the Web, Germany
Professional Services:
● Associació d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, Spain
● Col.legi Oficial d’Aparelladors de Barcelona, Spain
● Col.legi Oficial d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, Spain
● Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyers Informàtics de Catalunya, Spain
Facilities, construction and electric industry:
● ABB Metron, Spain
● AGBAR Mantenimiento S.A., Spain
● Asociación Electrotécnica Española, Spain
● Electricas Helcosa, Spain
● Electro-Stocks, Spain
● Ecoesfera, Spain
● Gas Natural, Spain
● Grupo Schneider, Spain
● Holcim, Switzerland
● Repsol, Spain
Consumer goods and services:
● AEG Hausgeräte, Germany
● Corporación Alimentaria Guissona , Spain
● KarstadtQuelle New Media AG, Germany
● Loewe, Spain
● Merck & Co., Inc., Germany
● Metro Cash & Carry International GmbH (MCCI), Germany
● Olympus Optical Co. Europa GmbH, Germany
● VANDEMOORTELE Group, Deutshland
Industry and health services:
● Cilag (Johnson & Johnson), Switzerland
● EQmed, Germany
● Fundació Puigvert, Spain
● Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Spain
● ICS (Institut Català de la Salut), Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain
● Santé Suisse, Switzerland
● Vifor Pharma Ltd, Germany
● Audi-Volkswagen, Spain
● Gamesa, Spain
● Festo A.G., Germany
● Mewa, Mechanische Weberei AG & Co, Germany
● Sauter AG, Germany